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Service Terms

This practice does not provide emergency health care services. If you require emergency assistance, please call an ambulance or contact your local hospital or medical centre.

If your injury is acute, please indicate that when you call and we will endeavour to see you as soon as possible. Whilst we aim to help alleviate any pain or disability you may be experiencing, there are no guarantees regarding outcomes.

Payment Terms

It is a requirement of this practice that you pay on the day of service. We do not offer an account service. Whist we do have a direct health claims service, we cannot be responsible for the Health Funds being down or any health claims issues relating to your own account. If your health fund is down for whatever reason, you will be required to pay in full and claim the service in your own time.

We accept Mastercard, Visa and EFTPOS.

We also accept TAC, Worksafe, DVA and patients on a Medicare Care plan. In circumstances where Worksafe or TAC refuse your claim, you will be obligated to pay the account in full.

In regards to Medicate EPC (care plans), these sessions are NOT BULK BILLED or totally covered by Medicare. You will need to pay in full the initial or standard service charge, and then take your receipt to Medicare to be reimbursed. We are hoping to have direct Medicare services available in the near future.

Small group classes:

  • Payment is required in advance and may be by cash, cheque, credit card or EFTPOS.
  • Term fees are not refundable or transferable and class times are subject to change at any time. (Alternative payment options can be arranged in some cases.)
  • Trial class of $25.00 may be used towards current term fee if term fee is paid within one week.
  • One missed class may be made up within the current term, if an availability exists.
  • If you are joining a class half way through a term, you will only be charged for the remaining classes in that term.
  • If you know at the start of a term that you will be unable to attend a class, you will not be charged for this class.

Cancellation Policy

Failure to attend or cancelling within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment will result in the client being charged 50% of the consultation fee.

Client Privacy

Your personal Heath Information and your Health Record may be collected, used and disclosed for the following reasons:

  • For communicating relevant information with other treating practitioners, such as; general practitioners, private psychiatrists, case managers, residential support workers or other involved health professionals as deemed necessary for ongoing health service provision.
  • For follow up reminders, notifications and information relating to scheduled appointments and services provided at this practice.
  • Accounting/Medicare/Department of Veteran Affairs’/Health Insurance procedures.
  • For legal related disclosure as required by law (e.g. subpoena, other court order, suspected child abuse).
  • To lessen or prevent a serious and imminent risk to harm yourself or serious threat to another person/s safety.

You can request access to your health record verbally or in writing, and may incur a charge for photocopying and staff time involved in processing your request. Access can be denied under certain circumstances. All health records are stored securely to protect information from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Please feel free to discuss with the practitioner any concerns or queries you may have about this privacy notice. This practice adheres to the National Privacy Principles.


Back On Track Clinical Pilates And Physiotherapy assumes no responsibility for your use of this website. This website provides information, not advice.

The content on this website is provided for information only. While due care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the material contained on this website, it is made available on the basis that it does not constitute professional advice on any particular matter. Nothing contained on this site is intended to be used as medical advice and it is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, nor should it be used for therapeutic purposes or as a substitute for your own health professional’s advice.

This website contains links to other websites, which are are provided for convenience only. While reasonable care has been taken in selecting linked websites, no responsibility is accepted for material contained in any website that is linked from this site. The linking of other websites does not constitute an endorsement or a recommendation of any content, products or services described on those websites. The linking of other websites does not imply any endorsement, approval or sponsorship of this practice or its services.


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Lisa Ellis
ABN 41 664 929 792
Medicare Provider Number 2291418J